Our desire is to reach out and share the love of Jesus across the street and around the world.
Lithia Springs First Baptist is a place to belong, not just believe. We strive to create spaces where authentic connections can take place – because we want to connect people to what matters most – having authentic encounters with Christ, discovering their unique gifts and using them for God’s glory.
If being connected is so important, what connections really matter most? We are focused on Connecting: People to God, People to One Another, and People to Missions & Ministry.
Come Find Your Place!
Frequently asked questions
Will I be welcomed at FBCLS?
The truth of the matter is we are all broken people with baggage. Jesus never turned away anyone who came to Him in sincerity. He said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) He loves us in spite of our brokenness and failures, and wants us to find healing and wholeness in Him. Whoever you are, whatever your situation, you will find a warm welcome from the people at FCBLS.
What is the worship service like and when is it?
We gather for worship each Sunday at 10:30 AM in our Worship Center. We will begin with a welcome and prayer, then we sing a couple of songs. There is always a blessing of the offerings and more songs that relate to our topic for the day. Pastor Barry will bring a message from the Bible, usually one that is part of an ongoing series of messages. At the end of the message, we have a time of response. This will include a congregation singing while some pray at the altar. The service usually lasts about 60 minutes.
What should I wear?
Something comfortable. Most of us dress casually, but if you’re more comfortable in a coat and tie or clothing that reflects your heritage and culture, you won’t be alone.
We believe God is not concerned with how we are dressed, but is looking at our hearts.
Do you offer small group Bible study (Sunday School)?
Yes! From 9:15 until 10:15 we have groups that meet to study the Bible together. Some of these classes are grouped by age group, and some focus on a specific topic or area of study. A greeter will be happy to help you find a group that you will find welcoming, comfortable, and helpful.
What about my children?
In addition to our worship service in the Worship Center, we provide great programs for children up through fifth grade. Your children will enjoy learning about God in a fun atmosphere in “JAM” (Jesus and Me – Preschool) or “Springsville” (Grades K-5).
When you arrive, a greeter will be glad to direct you to one or both of these locations for your children.
Do you meet at any other times during the week?
Yes! On Wednesdays, we offer two prayer meetings at 10:00 a.m. and 6:30 pm.
Also at 6:30 pm on Wednesdays, we offer ESL (English as a second language) classes, our student ministry gathering, and children’s gatherings.
Monthly (at various dates and times) we offer other gatherings for specific groups, like RAF (Retired Adult Fellowship), and other small group gatherings.
Are you affiliated with a denomination?
Unlike many churches, most Baptist churches are autonomous and self-governing, but may choose to voluntarily partner with national or international organizations for the purpose of supporting missions and mission causes locally, regionally, and around the world. We have cooperative partnerships with the Southern Baptist Convention, and Georgia Baptist Mission Board, as well as numerous other organizations we partner with to support missions, relief and evangelistic efforts.
How Does Live Translation Work?
Do you have language interpretations? We are pleased to offer LIVE interpretations of our Sunday morning services through Wordly – a complimentary app designed to assist the hearing impaired and interpret an impressive selection of 60 languages.
Simply scan the QR code and follow the easy instructions within Wordly’s app to select your preferred language, whether through audible interpretation or text. Earbuds are readily available on the table at the Worship Center doorway.
This gracious service, offered by FBCLS, ensures that the Gospel of Jesus resonates throughout our community, transcending the barriers of native tongues. We extend a warm invitation to the world to join our services and embrace the warmth of our church family.
¿Tienen interpretaciones de idiomas?
Nos complace ofrecer interpretaciones EN VIVO de nuestros servicios de los domingos por la mañana a través de Wordly, una aplicación gratuita diseñada para ayudar a las personas con discapacidad auditiva e interpretar una selección impresionante de 60 idiomas.
Simplemente escanee el código QR y siga las sencillas instrucciones dentro de la aplicación de Wordly para seleccionar su idioma preferido, ya sea a través de interpretación audible o texto. Los auriculares están disponibles en la mesa en la puerta del Centro de Adoración.
Este amable servicio, ofrecido por FBCLS, asegura que el Evangelio de Jesús resuene en toda nuestra comunidad, trascendiendo las barreras de las lenguas nativas. Extendemos una cálida invitación al mundo para que se una a nuestros servicios y abrace la calidez de nuestra familia eclesial.
Èske ou gen entèpretasyon lang?
Nou kontan ofri entèpretasyon APVE nan sèvis dimanch maten nou yo atravè Wordly – yon app konplimantè ki fèt pou ede odyans lan ki gen pwoblèm ak entèprete yon seleksyon enpresyonan nan 60 lang.
Senpleman analysis kòd la QR epi swiv enstriksyon yo fasil nan app Wordly a yo chwazi langaj ou pi pito, si wi ou non nan entèpretasyon odyab oswa tèks. Toudegad yo disponib fasilman sou tab la nan pòt sant adorasyon an.
Sèvis gras sa a, ofri nan FBCLS, asire ke Levanjil Jezi a rezone nan tout kominote nou an, depase baryè lang natif natal yo. Nou pwolonje yon envitasyon cho nan mond lan pou rantre nan sèvis nou yo ak anbrase chalè fanmi legliz nou an.
CLICK THIS LINK https://attend.wordly.ai/join/GWTJ-1466
Our History
The First Baptist Church of Lithia Springs was formed in April, 1946 and met for a while next door at Lithia Springs School (which was later renamed Annette Winn Elementary after it’s first principal) until they were able to move into the basement of their first building. The first Worship Center was built at a cost of $62,000, with many of the church members donating their time to help build it. When it was dedicated on Sunday, October 23, 1949, the church held a week-long series of revival meetings at the new facility. On Friday of that week as the people gathered for the evening service, they found their new building engulfed in flames. The building and its contents were a total loss.
Immediately after the fire, they met to begin planning to rebuild. 22 months later, they dedicated their second Worship Center, the building that is now known as the Patterson Building where our children’s and youth ministries are located.
For the last 77 years, through many changes in the community and the church, First Baptist Church has sought to reach out to Lithia Springs and Douglas County with the good news of the Gospel of Christ.
Our church has been blessed to have Senior Pastors who have served long tenures with us. Both Marion Beaver and Robert Whitmire each served here for more than 20 years, and Kevin McKoy has been our Pastor for the last 14 years.